Invisalign has become a popular teeth straightening service over recent years. While you are likely very familiar with how traditional braces work, you’ll find that Invisalign does offer some great advantages over this option. Of course, everybody will have different preferences when it comes to cosmetic dentistry in Manchester and Tomas Dental Clinic is here to support you in choosing the best teeth straightening option for your current dental concerns. Keep reading as we share our opinion on Invisalign vs braces, so that you can start thinking about how you would best like to work to improve your smile this year.
As the name suggests, Invisalign is a much more discreet option than braces. While you’ll find that there are some less obvious options than silver metal braces nowadays, you’ll generally find Invisalign to be much more subtle. The material that the braces are made from for Invisalign is clear, so unless someone is very close to you or knows you are having this treatment, they are unlikely to notice them in your mouth. You may have to have a couple of small fixtures added to your teeth to keep the braces in place, but even these can hardly be noticed when you take the Invisalign out. For anyone who has a job or lifestyle where they feel metal braces would get in the way, this is a good option to help overcome this common concern about wearing braces.
The cost of your Manchester cosmetic dentistry will very much depend on the severity of your teeth straightening needs. Some people won’t need a very extensive treatment, and for that, traditional braces may be cheaper than paying the full cost of Invisalign. However, for anyone who is looking to really upgrade their smile, when looking at which is better Invisalign or braces, you will likely find this is a very worthwhile investment for your health and wellbeing. Our team will work with you to price up braces vs Invisalign so you can consider which option fits with your current budget.
Unlike permanent braces, you do get to remove your Invisalign trays for certain reasons each day. When looking at Invisalign vs. braces, one of the huge advantages of this modern straightening method is that the trays can be removed should you need to. When you are eating your meals, you’ll take them out, before brushing your teeth and putting them back in again. Should you have a special occasion where you feel that you would like your natural smile to be on display for an hour or so, there’s always the option to temporarily remove them. Of course, make sure you are still meeting the daily requirements for the number of hours you need to wear them in order to keep your dental straightening plan on track.
One of the biggest complaints about traditional braces is that you can’t remove them to brush your teeth. It’s so easy for food to get stuck in braces, which means you might have to stop enjoying your favourite foods for a long period of time if it becomes too bothersome. Flossing is also easier when you have Invisalign, as you won’t have to worry about the dental floss getting stuck on your braces. Dentists find that traditional braces sometimes result in more cavities and fillings. This can undo the good work of cosmetic dentistry in Manchester, which is why we often recommend Invisalign to anyone who struggles with taking care of their teeth.
Everyone has different needs when it comes to working with a cosmetic dentist in Manchester like Tomas Dental Clinic. While you can review the pros and cons of braces and Invisalign and hear the stories of those who have used either of them, it’s always best to work with your dentist to find the right option for you. Everyone has different concerns and needs when it comes to teeth straightening, so make sure you find the option that will help to give you the best smile possible in the shortest timeframe. We’ll be happy to work with you to discuss your options and the treatment plan that will get you the results you dream of.
Are you interested in Invisalign or braces? If so, get in touch with our experienced team who will be excited to discuss the best option for your unique needs. Invisalign is an exciting modern teeth straightening option that’s trusted by dentists around the world and can help you to get a brighter smile in a short period of time. Contact us and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you have on this topic and find the solution that’s going to give you the results you desire this year.