Tomas Dental Clinic

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Smile experts | Central Manchester
0161 527 5972

Invisalign For Teens

Reserve your free Invisalign consultation today by submtting the form. We’ll discuss the process, show aligner tray examples, and answer any Invisalign questions you may have.

Invisalign For Teens | A Great Alternative to Metal Braces

Take your first step to a straighter smile with our Specialist Orthodontist Andre Tomas. Every set of Invisalign aligners is completely bespoke to you, helping to create your own personal dream smile.

Welcome to the world of Invisalign for teens! Straightening teeth is an essential part of dental care for many teenagers. Traditional metal braces have been the go-to solution for many years, but they come with a host of challenges that can make the process uncomfortable and inconvenient. Fortunately, Invisalign for teens is a modern solution that offers a range of benefits over traditional braces.

Invisalign for teens is a clear aligner system that is custom-made for each individual patient. The aligners are made of a clear, flexible plastic that is virtually invisible, making them a great option for teenagers who are self-conscious about their appearance. Unlike metal braces, Invisalign aligners are removable, which means that your teen can eat and drink whatever they want without worrying about damaging their braces.

Seeking A Manchester Invisalign Specialist You Can Trust

Dr. Andre Tomas, a renowned orthodontist with over 14 years of experience, can help you achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of. As the clinical director at our practice, Dr. Tomas is a certified Invisalign expert known for his exceptional clinical results.

Dr. Tomas earned his dental degree in Portugal and later specialized in orthodontics at the University of Barcelona. He is passionate about the latest orthodontic techniques, particularly Invisalign clear aligners, which he believes offer a comfortable and efficient path to a straighter smile.

Dr. Tomas is a GDC registered specialist orthodontist (GDC 187242).

Dr. Andre Tomas holds certifications as an LMD, MSc Ortho, and is a Top Invisalign provider.

Invisalign Aligners | The Gold Standard in Teeth Straightening

Reserve your free Invisalign consultation today by submtting the form. We’ll discuss the process, show aligner tray examples, and answer any Invisalign questions you may have.

The process of getting Invisalign for teens is straightforward. First, your teen’s dentist or orthodontist will take a 3D scan of their teeth to create a digital model. This model is used to create a series of custom-made aligners that are designed to gradually shift your teen’s teeth into the desired position. Your teen will wear each set of aligners for one to two weeks, depending on their dentist’s instructions, before moving on to the next set.

One of the most significant benefits of Invisalign for teens is that the aligners are removable. This means that your teen can take them out to eat, brush their teeth, and floss. This makes it easier to maintain good oral hygiene during the treatment process, which can be challenging with traditional metal braces.

Another benefit of Invisalign for teens is that the aligners are comfortable to wear. Unlike traditional braces, which can cause discomfort and irritation, Invisalign aligners are made of a smooth, flexible plastic that is gentle on the teeth and gums. Your teen may experience some discomfort or pressure when they first start wearing a new set of aligners, but this is normal and should subside within a few days.

Invisalign Braces for Kids

how Invisalign works

Smile with Unwavering Confidence with Invisalign

Invisalign for teens also offers faster treatment times than traditional braces. The length of treatment depends on the severity of your teen’s dental issues, but most patients can complete their treatment in 12 to 18 months. Traditional braces, on the other hand, can take up to two years or more to complete.

Finally, Invisalign for teens is a great option for active teenagers who play sports or musical instruments. Traditional braces can make it difficult to play certain instruments or participate in contact sports, but Invisalign aligners can be removed during these activities, making them a more convenient option for active teenagers.

Invisalign for teens is a great alternative to traditional metal braces. They offer a range of benefits, including comfort, convenience, and faster treatment times. If you are considering straightening your teen’s teeth, talk to their dentist or orthodontist about Invisalign for teens. They can help you determine if this treatment option is right for your teen’s needs and provide you with more information about the process and expected outcomes.

Investing in your teen’s dental health is an investment in their overall health and well-being. Straightening their teeth with Invisalign for teens can help improve their confidence, self-esteem, and oral health. So why wait? Talk to your teen’s dentist or orthodontist today about Invisalign for teens and give your teen the gift of a beautiful, healthy smile!

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Frequently Asked Questions

If you have further questions or want to discuss treatments, get in touch with us here.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign comprises a series of nearly invisible, replaceable aligners, changed weekly. A virtual 3D plan lets you preview your smile transformation.

How does Invisalign work?

These aligners operate in a strategic manner, moving teeth based on your personal treatment plan, ensuring efficiency and comfort.

Treatment Duration?

Typically, 6 to 18 months. However, it’s case-specific and detailed in your consultation.

Is the treatment painful?

Minor discomfort might arise initially but fades in a few days.

Wearing Duration?

To attain optimal results, wear the aligners for a minimum of 22 hours daily. Remove them only for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing.

Reasons to choose Tomas Dental Clinic

For incredible results, we use world-class digital technology and materials.

Our surgeries have the latest in-mouth 3D scanners to show you your future smile before you start treatment.

Our clinicians will develop a treatment plan custom-made just for you.

Take the first steps to your perfect smile here in the centre of Manchester.

Flexible payment plans available, including 0% finance.